The PMP exam is one of the toughest exams in the country. So we designed our online PMP test prep course using accelerated learning exercises, techniques, and sample questions that will definitely help you ace the test. Once you pass the exam, you’ll gain an internationally acclaimed PMP certificate – a professional credential that could provide you with a lot of career opportunities.
Taking our PMP test prep in Utah will take you 4.5 days. The course includes online and individual sessions with an instructor who will guide you through discussions about each key topic. You’ll also receive a course workbook containing extensive exercises and thousands of sample test questions. More importantly, you’ll experience simulated cases that will help you practice addressing issues in various knowledge areas and process groups of project management.
Our training course is compliant with Project Management Institute principles and terminology. You will develop a better understanding of all five process groups in project management, which include Initiating, Planning, Executing, Controlling, and Closing a Project. You’ll also learn significant principles in all the project management knowledge areas, such as integration, quality, cost, human resources, risk, procurement, and communication management.
Milestone Management Consultants is a Charter Member Global Registered Education Provider. Hence, we are able to offer Professional Development Units (PDUs) through the Project Management Institute. This training course will not only prepare you for a PMP exam, but will also provide you with 35 PDUs.For more information about our PMP test prep, call 801-679-3930.
PMI®, PMP® ,PMI-ACP® and The PMI Registered Education Provider logo are registered trademarks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.